
Figure 5-2

Delivery Type: The Delivery Type section allows users to choose whether to target Residential addresses or Business addresses. Both types of addresses can be targeted by placing a checkmark beside each option. Whether the address is considered Residential or Business is identified by USPS. Postage rates may be affected.

Postal Route Type: The Postal Route Type section is the type of postal carrier route. This section allows users to choose whether to target P.O. Boxes, City Routes, and Rural Routes.

Only Way to Get Mail (OWGM): Users will typically check this selection if they have unchecked the P.O. Boxes option under Postal Route Type. This allows mail to be sent to P.O. Boxes that fall within the target area for those households that do not receive any mail at their home address.

An example of an Only Way to Get Mail situation would be Pleasantville, Ohio. Pleasantville, Ohio does not have postal carriers. Every resident of this town must pick up their mail from their P.O. Box. If the Postal Route Type for P.O. Boxes is unchecked, these residents would not receive mail if their city was within a targeted mailing. To make sure these residents receive mail, users can select the Only Way to Get Mail option.

Dwelling Types: The Dwelling Types are the types of residential dwellings. Postage rates may be affected when choosing to limit a search to specific dwelling types. Users can target specific types of dwellings based on SFDU – Single Family, MFDU – Apartment, SFDU – Trailer, MFDU – Drop, Simplified Rural Routes, Simplified P.O. Boxes, and Residential P.O. Boxes.

SFDU = Single Family Dwelling Unit
MFDU = Multiple Family Dwelling Unit
Simplified Rural Routes & Simplified P.O. Boxes = Residential or Business addresses that have no specific address. Simplified carrier routes are an entire route that has the same address for every home or building. Every piece of data for that route will be exactly the same. For example, if a list is ordered that included a simplified carrier route, the following is an example of the addresses on that list:

Rural Route 1 Lancaster, Ohio 43130
Rural Route 1 Lancaster, Ohio 43130
Rural Route 1 Lancaster, Ohio 43130

This type of route is becoming less common.

Help Tip NOTE: By default, all Dwelling Types are included in the list. Once options from this section are selected, it will limit the list to just those types. For example, if users don’t select anything in the Dwelling Types section, all dwelling types will be included in the list. If a user selects SFDU – Single Family and MFDU – Apartment, their list will then be limited to those two types of dwellings.

Home Ownership: The Home Ownership section allows users to target their list based on home ownership criteria which is determined by an address level home ownership code. Postage rates may be affected when choosing to limit the search to specific home ownership types. Users can choose to limit their list based on whether the address is: No Information, Definite Renter, Probable Renter, Probable Owner, Definite Owner, or P.O. Box Holder.

Help Tip NOTE: By default, all Home Ownership types are included in a list. Once users select an option or options from this section, it will limit the list to just those types. For example, if a user did not select anything in this section, all home ownership types will be included in their list. If a user selects Probable Owner and Definite Owner, their list will then be limited to those two types of addresses. Selection charges may apply.

By choosing the No Information option, users are including addresses that do not have any information regarding home ownership available.

When choosing to target a list to addresses with the Home Ownership types of Probable Owner and Definite Owner, dwelling units of any type will be included. This means that if an apartment address is owned and not rented, it will be included in the list.