Average Age: 47
Average Income: $91K
Average Length of Residence: 14
Percent with Kids: 83%
The households in this niche have an average age of about 47, and they are considerably more likely than the general population to have children present. Most of the households in this niche are homeowners that have resided in their homes for 14 years on average. The average value of the homes is about $172,500. These white collar households are employed in professional/technical or management fields, and a significant portion of them have completed college.
The majority of Kiddie Kastles households have credit cards, and they are more likely to shop by mail than the population on average. They buy extensively through catalogs, the Internet, and retail. Their $2,900 in recent discretionary spend in these channels is often on automotive accessories, hunting and fishing, children’s merchandise, sports merchandise, home furnishings, office supplies, and magazines.
The households in this niche are active and enjoy staying fit and eating well. They participate in outdoor activities such as boating, camping (RV), hiking, hunting, shooting, fishing, golf, cycling, and running. They also enjoy home improvement, gardening, and working on their cars. These households invest in stocks and bonds, underscoring their do-it yourself activities. To relax at home, there is an interest in reading, crafts, and playing with their pets. They travel often, especially within the U.S. They are loyal online subscribers that are likely to use a Web portal such as AOL, Yahoo, or MSN. The households in this niche are highly reachable via cookie-based Web display advertising.
Kiddie Kastle’s household vehicle ownership patterns are very similar to the national averages. They own both new and used vehicles across all model years, and they have a slightly above average likelihood of owning commercial trucks (e.g., Ram 5500).